I'm am working on a series of self-portraits for my upcoming BFA show at the end of November. It is proving to be more emotional for me than any of my other work. I am reflecting on my personality, life events, and people that have shaped me, bad or good. As in most of my work I am looking at vernacular photography, family dynamics, and memory. I am trying to get six 36x36 paintings completed for the show as well as some video. I am hoping to tackle some small work at the end of November. Yesterday I felt very emotional while I was working.
I think my painting skills are improving with each portrait and I am learning to slow down. I am always in a hurry in general and do not know why everything seems like a race. Being in school contributes to that with deadlines, but that is the way it is. Academia is a time to practice, but I get attached to everything I do, and sometimes feel crabby that I don't have more time to reflect on the work. But that in itself can be a curse because I could spend too much time in contemplation.